Stadtbaupuzzle, Berlin (shortlist)
Procedure typeUrban design ideas competition
Services provided by p.a.Urban design, Sustainability concept
TeamSteffen Wurzbacher Dominic Plag
Awarding authorityHOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH
Processing periodFeb 2020 - Mar 2021
Further project partnersUTA Architekten und Stadtplaner GmbH, Köber Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH
Brief descriptionThe design deals with the topic of sustainable housing under "laboratory conditions". A fictitious site of 400m x 400m is to be gridded with 16 square sub-areas that form an overall urban structure. Our approach consists of two networks that overlap. The green space network allows for retreat spaces and views into the greenery, while the transportation network defines the busier zones. At the intersections, the first floors are activated as public and semi-public spaces. A diverse, mixed cultural and educational offering and a traffic-calmed mobility concept are further features of the design.