Nienberge, Münster (2nd prize)

  • Procedure type
    Urban planning competition with preliminary application procedure
  • Services provided by p.a.
    Urban design, energy and sustainability strategy
  • Team
    Steffen Wurzbacher, Dominic Plag
  • Awarding authority
    City of Münster, Urban Planning Office
  • Processing period
    Oct 2021 - Feb 2022
  • Further project partners
    performative architektur (urban design), UTA Architekten und Stadtplaner GmbH (urban design), ah Landschaftsarchitekten (open space), Klinger und Partner GmbH (stormwater drainage)
  • Brief description
    The city of Münster is planning the development of well-connected areas at the transition between the Nienberge district and the open cultural landscape. The design, which was awarded second prize, proposes an urban and mixed-use structure that integrates with the landscape in the form of compact clusters. The basis of all open space planning is the principle of the "water-sensitive" city. A cascading drainage system mimics the natural, unimpeded water cycle. Each settlement cluster will have its own central neighborhood square, which, in addition to a mobility hub, will include all daily requirements (day-care centre, local supply, community space, etc.).